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Article: What is the Rarest Blue Sapphire Color?

What is the Rarest Blue Sapphire Color

What is the Rarest Blue Sapphire Color?

Sapphires come in all kinds of colors, but blue ones are definitely the most popular. Thing is, not all blue sapphires are created equal. Some shades are way rarer and more valuable than others. In this article, I'll write about the different types of blue sapphires and which ones rockhounds and collectors go crazy for.

From bright mermaid blues to super rare color-changing varieties, there's a whole spectrum of awesome blue sapphire colors out there. I'll walk you through some of the coolest and most prized shades, like beautiful padparadscha orange-pink sapphires and even rare star sapphires. I'll also dish on which blue sapphire is the rarest and most expensive on the planet.

Whether you're a sapphire lover or just think gems are neat, you'll have fun geeking out over all the different blue sapphire shades with me. Let's dive in!

Teal and Mermaid Sapphires

When it comes to rare blue sapphire colors, teal and mermaid sapphires are highly sought after for their unique and captivating hues. Teal sapphires are known for their mesmerizing blend of blue and green tones, creating a stunning color reminiscent of a tropical lagoon.

On the other hand, mermaid sapphires have an equal ratio of blue and green, resembling the scales of a mystical mermaid.

These shades of blue sapphire, with their hints of yellow and space grey, offer a truly unique and enchanting alternative to traditional blue sapphires. They are primarily sourced from Australia and Montana, where ethical mining practices ensure the beauty of these gems is matched by responsible sourcing.

Whether you're drawn to the ethereal beauty of teal sapphires or the enchanting allure of mermaid sapphires, these rare blue sapphire colors are sure to make a statement in any jewelry piece. Their captivating colors and limited availability make them a favorite among gemstone enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Blue Sapphire Color Description
Teal Sapphire A mesmerizing blend of blue and green tones, reminiscent of a tropical lagoon.
Mermaid Sapphire Equal ratio of blue and green, resembling the scales of a mystical mermaid.

 Teal and Mermaid Sapphires

Whether you prefer the serene beauty of teal sapphires or the enchanting allure of mermaid sapphires, these unique blue sapphire colors are sure to add a touch of magic to any jewelry collection.

Parti Sapphire

Parti sapphires are a unique and rare blue sapphire color that showcases a mesmerizing blend of blue and green hues. These gemstones are often mistaken for teal or mermaid sapphires, but the distinct color zoning sets them apart. The clear zone of demarcation between the blue and green colors creates a captivating play of light and adds depth to the gemstone's appearance.

Parti sapphires can have various combinations of blue and green tones, ranging from lighter shades to deeper, more saturated colors. This wide range of hues makes each parti sapphire truly one-of-a-kind. The remarkable color variations and the gem's rarity make parti sapphires highly sought after by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts.

The gemstones are typically sourced from Australia and Montana, where ethical mining practices are prioritized. These locations are known for producing high-quality parti sapphires that meet the demands of discerning buyers. Whether used in stunning jewelry pieces or collected for their rarity, parti sapphires continue to captivate and impress with their striking beauty.

Comparing Parti Sapphires

Color Combination Rarity Level Price Range
Blue and Green High $1,000 - $10,000
Lighter Shades Less Common $500 - $5,000
Deeper, Saturated Colors Rarest $2,000 - $20,000

The rarity of parti sapphires, coupled with their unique color combination, makes them a valuable addition to any gemstone collection. Their distinct beauty and individuality ensure that these gemstones remain in high demand among jewelry lovers and collectors alike.

Parti Sapphires

Padparadscha Sapphires

Padparadscha sapphires are a unique and rare blue sapphire color that captivates gemstone enthusiasts. These exquisite gems are renowned for their distinctive blend of sunset orange and lotus pink colors.

Natively found only in Sri Lanka, padparadscha sapphires cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Their scarcity and exceptional beauty make them highly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs.

Padparadscha sapphires are sometimes classified as peach or pink sapphires due to their warm, delicate hues. The most valuable specimens exhibit an equal ratio of orange and pink colors, creating a harmonious and captivating display of natural beauty.

Notable Characteristics of Padparadscha Sapphires:

  • Unique blend of sunset orange and lotus pink colors.
  • Highly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs.
  • Native to Sri Lanka, making them exceptionally rare.
  • Occasionally classified as peach or pink sapphires.
  • Most valuable when the orange and pink colors are evenly balanced.
Characteristics Value
Color Distinct blend of orange and pink
Origin Exclusive to Sri Lanka
Rarity Exceptionally rare
Classification Occasionally classified as peach or pink sapphires
As shown in the table above, the uniqueness, origin, and rarity of padparadscha sapphires contribute to their high value and desirability in the gemstone market. Their distinct blend of orange and pink colors sets them apart from other blue sapphire varieties, making them a truly remarkable and sought-after gemstone.
Padparadscha Sapphires

Color Changing Sapphires

Color changing sapphires are a fascinating variation of blue sapphires that exhibit a mesmerizing ability to change color depending on the lighting conditions. These unique gems possess the phenomenon of pleochroism, which means they can display different colors when viewed from different angles.

In daylight or under fluorescent LED lights, color changing sapphires typically appear bluish-violet, creating a stunning display of deep blue hues. However, when viewed under incandescent light, these sapphires can transform into a reddish-purple shade, adding a touch of warmth and intrigue to their appearance. Some rare color changing sapphires even exhibit green and reddish-brown color shifts, making them even more captivating.

The degree of color change observed in these sapphires can vary, with some displaying subtle transitions and others showcasing more dramatic shifts. This unique characteristic adds to their allure and makes them highly sought after by collectors and gemstone enthusiasts.

The Beauty of Color Changing Sapphires

Color changing sapphires offer a truly exceptional and dynamic experience for those who appreciate the beauty of gemstones. The ability to witness the transformation from one color to another depending on the lighting conditions makes these sapphires truly mesmerizing.

It's important to note that color changing sapphires are rare and valuable due to their unique nature. The rarity of their color-changing properties and the overall beauty of these gems make them a desirable addition to any jewelry collection.

color changing sapphires

Properties Details
Color Range Bluish-violet to reddish-purple, with some displaying green and reddish-brown color shifts
Pleochroism Ability to display different colors when viewed from different angles
Rarity Highly sought after due to their unique color-changing properties
Value Considered rare and valuable in the gemstone market

Embrace the Unique Charms of Color Changing Sapphires

Whether you're a gemstone collector or someone looking for a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry, color changing sapphires offer a captivating and enchanting choice. Their ability to transition between colors adds a magical touch to any piece, making it truly special and unforgettable.

When it comes to choosing a color changing sapphire, consider the degree of color change you prefer and the overall aesthetics that appeal to you. Each gem is unique, and finding the perfect one that matches your taste and style will ensure a truly remarkable addition to your collection or jewelry box.

Star Sapphires

Star sapphires are truly mesmerizing gemstones that captivate with their unique optical phenomenon called asterism. This enchanting effect creates a star-like pattern on the surface of the gemstone, adding to its allure and rarity. The asterism is formed by tiny inclusion particles that reflect light in certain directions, resulting in a stunning star-shaped pattern. The most common variety of star sapphires exhibits a six-rayed star, while the rarer twelve-rayed star is considered even more exceptional.

Star sapphires are typically cut as cabochons to showcase their mesmerizing asterism. The smooth, rounded surface of the cabochon enhances the play of light and creates a captivating display of the star pattern. The star effect is best observed under a single light source, such as a spotlight or a flashlight, which allows the star to come to life in its full glory.

These unique blue sapphire gems have captivated gemstone enthusiasts for centuries. The rarity of star sapphires, coupled with their dazzling asterism, makes them highly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs of fine gemstones. Whether set in a ring, pendant, or earrings, star sapphires are sure to add a touch of celestial beauty to any jewelry collection.

star sapphire

Key Features of Star Sapphires Rarity Asterism
Distinctive star-like pattern Rare and highly sought after Formed by tiny inclusion particles reflecting light
Cut as cabochons Most common: six-rayed star Rarer: twelve-rayed star
Best observed under a single light source Adds a touch of celestial beauty to jewelry

Cognac Sapphires

Cognac sapphires are a unique and sought-after variety of blue sapphires. These gems display deep earthy undertones with a reddish hue, setting them apart from traditional brown sapphires. The warm and rich color of cognac sapphires makes them highly desirable for both jewelry enthusiasts and designers.

Renowned for their rarity, cognac sapphires offer a captivating alternative to more common blue sapphire shades. Their distinctive color is reminiscent of the fine amber hues found in a glass of cognac, evoking a sense of warmth, elegance, and sophistication.

Primarily sourced from Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Madagascar, cognac sapphires are known for their exceptional quality and unique coloring. These gems can be incorporated into various jewelry designs, from stunning engagement rings to eye-catching pendants, making them a versatile choice for those seeking a distinctive and timeless piece.

cognac sapphires

Comparison of Blue Sapphire Colors

Sapphire Color Description Availability Price Range
Teal and Mermaid A blend of blue and green hues Australia, Montana $$
Parti Sapphire Distinct color zoning of blue and green Various sources $$
Padparadscha Sunset orange and lotus pink blend Sri Lanka $$$
Color Changing Changes color in different lighting Various sources $$
Star Asterism creates a star-like effect Various sources $$
Cognac Deep earthy undertones with a reddish hue Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Madagascar $$
Pink and Violet Feminine alternatives to blue sapphire Various sources $$

Pink and Violet Sapphires

Pink and violet sapphires offer a delightful twist on the traditional blue sapphire. These vibrant gemstones come in various shades, ranging from lighter pinks and violets to more vivid and intense tones. While lighter shades are often favored by younger buyers for their youthful charm, deeper and more saturated colors are highly sought after for their elegance and sophistication.

Pink sapphires, in particular, exude femininity and grace. They can range from delicate pale pinks to vibrant rose hues, offering a wide array of options for those seeking a hint of romantic allure in their jewelry. Violet sapphires, on the other hand, showcase a captivating blend of blue and purple tones, evoking a sense of mystery and individuality.

These unique and alluring pink and violet sapphires can be found in various locations around the world, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Myanmar. Each source offers its own distinct qualities, resulting in a diverse range of shades and saturation levels. Whether you prefer a soft and delicate pink or a rich and regal violet, there is a pink or violet sapphire to suit every taste and style.

pink and violet sapphires

Comparing Pink and Violet Sapphires

Characteristic Pink Sapphires Violet Sapphires
Color Range Delicate pale pinks to vibrant rose hues Blue and purple blend
Emotional Appeal Soft, romantic, and feminine Mysterious and unique
Availability Widely available from various sources Less common, but still accessible

When it comes to choosing between pink and violet sapphires, it ultimately boils down to personal preference and the desired emotional impact. The vibrant and diverse range of shades ensures that there is a pink or violet sapphire to suit every individual's style and taste. Whether you're drawn to the delicate and romantic appeal of pink or the captivating and unique allure of violet, these gemstones offer a refreshing alternative to the traditional blue sapphire.


There are so many awesome sapphire colors out there besides basic blue. We talked about beautiful teal sapphires, super rare color-changing ones, and even magical star sapphires. My personal fave are those gorgeous padparadscha sapphires that look like a sunset.

But really, the rarest and most valuable blue sapphire depends on what collectors are obsessing over. Sapphires with unusual colors, patterns, or phenotypes will always make gem nerds flip out. For me, I just think all the different blue sapphire shades are rad. Each one has its own special look.

At the end of the day, you gotta go with the sapphire that makes you happiest, no matter if it's a crazy rare shade or not. Sapphires come in so many dang colors, you're sure to find your perfect blue hue. Or heck, skip blue altogether - those pink sapphires are pretty cute too!


What is the rarest blue sapphire color?

The rarest blue sapphire color can vary depending on personal preference and market availability.

What are teal and mermaid sapphires?

Teal sapphires are a blend of blue and green, while mermaid sapphires have an equal ratio of blue and green, resembling a mermaid's scales.

What is a parti sapphire?

Parti sapphires are characterized by a clear zone of demarcation between blue and green colors. They can have various combinations of blue and green hues, making them a unique and rare blue sapphire color.

What are padparadscha sapphires?

Padparadscha sapphires are known for their distinctive blend of sunset orange and lotus pink colors. They are unique to Sri Lanka and cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

What are color changing sapphires?

Color changing sapphires exhibit pleochroism, allowing them to change color in different lighting conditions. They can appear bluish-violet in daylight or under fluorescent LED lights and turn reddish-purple under incandescent light.

What are star sapphires?

Star sapphires are known for their unique optical phenomenon called asterism, which creates a star-like effect on the surface of the gemstone. They have tiny inclusion particles that reflect light in certain directions, forming a star pattern.

What are cognac sapphires?

Cognac sapphires are distinct from brown sapphires as they have a reddish undertone, making them rarer and more expensive. They have deep earthy undertones and are popular among jewelry designers.

What are pink and violet sapphires?

Pink and violet sapphires offer a feminine alternative to traditional blue sapphires. They come in various shades, from lighter pinks and violets to more vivid and expensive tones.

What is the significance of sapphires in different colors?

Sapphires come in a wide range of colors, each with its own charm and significance. The rarest blue sapphire color can vary depending on personal preference and market availability.